Much of our success in the work we do is a result of a lot of training, preparation, and hard work.
We’re committed to service, and are happy to accommodate in order to fit your needs. The work we’ve undertaken is a testament to our high standards as a professional Construction Company.
Have a look at some of our latest and greatest jobs below.
Built up area : 1050Sft Project Value : INR 20 Lakhs Project Duration : 5 months June 2018-Oct 2018 Location : Mysore Construction Type : Load bearing Stc.
Affordable construction is core vision for Feature construction. Unlike other market players who work on volume-based project, our focus is on customer-centric projects which will make us the preferred construction partner in the field of compact affordable housing. This core value made us accept the challenge of extending our business to Mysore for affordable homes. The project site was located in the heart of the city close to the heritage sites of Mysore. We had the tremendous pressure to dismantle an existing structure and rebuild a compact budget home in a highly dense and populated layout with not even 3 ft setbacks. Our team rose to the occasion and learned on the job the importance of having good social skills along with project management skill. We handled tough neighborhood and accommodated all requests on good-will to deliver this project with the best quality standards as well as best costing within a record time of 5 months.
Reason For Choosing Us
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Imperdiet consectetur amet, metus, molestie augue est non.
Eleifend nec sit etiam mi aliquet.
Brooklyn Simmons Limited
Project Cost
$ 10,40,000/-
Feb 13, 2022